i have a terrible tendency to procrastinate. and then when things get to be so much that i can no longer see over my pile of "things to do," i tend to just put the whole pile in the trash and start over.
but i am learning this is not a good idea.
so, here are pictures of a birthday boy from a couple months ago. he thought maybe that by turning ten he might be a "big boy" and be able to choose a meal that didn't involve peanut butter, jelly, and captain crunch. but i am no grown up. so i had all of the above on my
hot dog, whilst birthday boy had potato chips, cheese sauce, and bacon (very grownupish).
ty and i had a whirlwind weekend where we drove all night on thursday down to utah, and drove all night last night back home. in those three days, we were able to eat delicious raw meals, spend time with my parents, show phoebe how really awesome film cameras really are, and listen to the leaders of our church give inspired words of comfort, inspiration, and counsel.
this one was my favourite. partly because i want to remember it for when we have children, partly because it is what i remember about my parents and what i can see in ty's parents, and partly because i can see it in the parents of my nieces and nephews. and it inspires me.
so here's to the children, to hot dogs, to driving for twenty-six hours to see a baby sister for a couple days, and to this t-shirt war (because i know birthday boy would think this is triple wicked awesome).