
cote d'azur

southern france in april.

we expected a warm beach to lounge on and get a tan.

instead, we discovered a small town where mom bought a lamp the size of me, we hiked to where nietzsche wandered to find inspiration for his writing, and we explored the prison made famous by a man in an iron mask.

the stairs worn in the centre over hundreds of years of prison guards and prisoners still capture me.


mamiya 645


please knock before entering

we've always wanted to fix up an old house.

for now, we will take pictures of the ones not fixable, but incredibly likeable. 


hasselblad taken summer 2012 expertly scanned by Darren Roberts


voyage sur la route

we drove for five days, road bikes for one, the metro in paris for three, and walked through southern france for eight. a trip for three girls to see everything they could possibly see in france in seventeen days.

and these are some of my favourites from our road trip.

the clouds even parted for some of the time (we had no idea it would be as cold as canada...)!


mamiya 645 taken spring 2012


she understood who she was and whose she was. elaine dalton.

hold the ground you have already won.
be true to the faith you have.
- elder holland

hasselblad taken summer 2012 somewhere in northern idaho


if you are not too long, i will wait here for you all my life. oscar wilde.

i love cemetaries. and since we were in paris during a french long weekend, the catacombs were closed. but this cemetary is the largest in paris. oscar wilde and jim morrison were buried here. as well as millions more.

the aisles had road signs.

some monuments were so old, they had simply crumbled.

some statues so grand, they stood twenty-five feet high.

it was a beautiful sunny morning. we were all alone.

i think that was the same day phoebe tried her first sweet bread, when she thought it would actually be sweet. bread.


a picture of ceramic flowers with a real flower growing from it. love.

mamiya 645


toons and turtles

i had never liked saskatoon berries before last summer. mind you, i have only ever had a couple in my life. and they were tiny. mostly seeds. and probably a bit old. i remember them tasting of seedy dust (could it have been because we picked them on the side of the road? we'll never know...). 

these were not the saskatoons i remembered. these were luscious, delicious, juicy. and their seeds nutty, fresh, and tasty. 

my fingers were stained for days. and my craving for them lasted longer.

we tried picking enough to eat on the ten hour drive home from the okanagan, and even more to freeze when we got home. 

we ended up finishing off a couple buckets before we hit alberta, leaving only a few, which never saw the inside of our freezer...


ps. i know we weren't in california, but it is a good road trip song, nonetheless. 

mamiya 645 summer 2012